During science, we we're learning about Isaac Newton's third law of motion, he said that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so we tested it with rocket balloons, what you'll need: Tape, String, paper straw, balloons. My group and I was testing it and our results didn't go so well, we failed I would say.
I found it easy to create the structure because all you needed we're straws, balloons, string and tape, also make sure your string is nice and straight and you have a very firm grip on it.
I found it hard to figure out why my balloon didn't turn out how I was expecting it to turn out, it just kept on twirling around and around, Vinzent thinks that if the balloon has less air in it, the faster it'll go, I should of tried that in the first place.
Next time I will sort out what will go right and what will go wrong in this experiment because I think I was more on the 'it will go wrong' side.
Here are some photos during the process:
I love that you have done quality stems but I suggest that you could do smaller stems and I think then it would be good enough but the pictures I love love them and I really love the ballons.