Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Medal Values

What did we learn about?

We learned about what it takes to be an olympian and all the values you should have to be one! The values all olympians should have is Excellence, Respect and last but not least friendship! My friends and I made this poster about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd medals, along with the values at the bottom.

What did I find really simple?

I found it easy to create the outline and the shape of the medal because all you needed to do is just go to shapes and select the shape called the oval, to me it looks like a circle but yeah, also inserting the text 3rd place with the tool called Word Art.

What did I find challenging?

The thing that was really bugging me and challenging be was the poly lining of the ferns covering the edges of the medals because when I tried poly lining it, I needed to stop clicking to each corner too fast otherwise it'll come out as a line and it would be so frustrating to redo it.

What can I do next time to improve?

Maybe next time I do this I could improve on my poly lining skills because almost every time I try poly lining it just turns into a line so I need to practice on my poly lining more to get it right every time.

Question Time! 

What do you think I should do to my 3rd place medal next time, should I add more details to it or should I just leave it how it is? 

The Coin Drop Science Elective

 In science, we we're learning about Newton's First Law Inertia, Inertia is sort of like laziness of an object. When there is a reaction, there is a opposite and equal reaction. What you need: Glass cup, 4 or 5 coins, a hard and soft paper depends if you want to test which card is better. 

I would say that when Eraia, Inatiaus and I did this, we did pretty well, we always got it in just with a simple flick with your finger, I forgot how much I got them in but at the end I tried all of them and it was successful! All the times I tried and got them in was roughly 5 or 6 times.